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Select the course that aligns with your interests and goals.

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Learn at Your Own Pace

Our platform allows you to learn at your own pace. Access the course materials anytime.

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Interact with Instructors

Connect with Tutor or Mentor who are about helping you succeed.

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Track Your Progress

Monitor your progress as you move through the course.

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Sign Up

Create your profile on Teachive and get access to your Dashboard in less than 5 min!

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Set Your Profile

You made it to your Dashboard ! Now it is time for you to add the courses you wish to teach, your rate and your avaibilities.

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Get Matched

Now you are live on Teachive ! Hundred of students will be matching with your profile.

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Course Completed

Congratulation ! Your first student and course is completed. You will be receiving your payout in the up coming days !

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Build Your Community

You made it and are active on Teachive as a freelancer. You are building your community.

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